Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How life takes away my Expectations

As a child we all remembered thinking about what we wanted to be when we grew up right?
Well, personally as a kid. I think this choice first came into mind when I was about 4 or 5 years old.

Well, I remember Barbie (Yes. Barbie.) was holding a contest of some sort. You were to draw a picture of what you wanted to be when you grew up. Completely ignoring the fact that only Americans were able to enter I pulled out some pieces of paper and started drawing. 
What did I want to be?

After drawing this out I stared at the paper and realized this was dumb. Who was really going to believe I was going to be a superhero? Besides. If I ever became a superhero I couldn't have people knowing my secret alias.
I scrapped the idea. 
What was my next plan? 
I remember the picture looking retarded with me holding a gun saying something along the lines of "STOP ROBBIN' THE BANK" or something pretentious like that.
Due to my ADHD I dont think I ever got around to mailing the picture in. However I do remember wanting to keep the policewoman idea up and running. 
That... didn't last too long.
One day I was talking to mom about my ideas of wanting to become a police woman and fight crime and all that shit. 
I remember her saying:
Uh...Change of plans then.
I fuckin' loved animals. So why not become a vet? 
I'd get to play with all the cute lil animals and cut open their bellies and save them from cancer. 
I would also get to wear an awesome vet outfit and have awesome guys with huge German Shepard's hit on me and pay me extra and all that other awesome stuff.
This was also the phase in my life where I under the assumption that men only married women so they would shoot them in their sleep and steal their money. So I would never marry and be safe and uh...not dead. I would also live in a two story house with every animal in the world and be fucking rich because I would learn how to make generators and not have to pay the light bill; FUCK YOU ELECTRICITY BILL.
Around the age of 10 I ditched the vet idea. I feared being sued a million times over every time someone brought in a rare rainbow colored poodle from Afghanistan that turned out to have terminal cancer and died in my care.
For a while I didn't know what the hell I wanted to be. All I knew is that I wanted to be rich. Then...I started to realized that if I had a big rich mansion to myself...WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WHEN THE GHOSTS AND SWEENEY TODD CAME TO RAPE ME??
So, I guess I'd have to forget about the whole being the rich chick on the corner who is still virgin idea. Fuck. Im going to have to share my money I thought. BUT MAYBE. I could find a millionaire to marry?
Change of plans again. Marry a millionaire. Become a housewife. Which at that time I thought meant just sitting at home watching sitcoms until it was almost time for the husband to eat and then make some Hamburger Helper AND HE WOULD LIKE IT. 
Around 13 I began to realize my dilemma. I had too much ADHD to give a fuck about school. I just wanted to be a millionaire dammit. So I stopped listening to teachers and just started drawing. Thats when I realized-- I was pretty good at drawing. Infact-- Everyone had been telling me this since maybe 3rd grade when it really started to show more potential then everyone else who was drawing creepy Dragon Ball Z things that looked like Mike Tyson or Mr T. on steroids. 
Oh. And Just for the record, these little doodles I draw for my blogs are obviously rushed.
So, up until I was about 16. I was hard set on wanting to become an artist. I had several stories set out to go along with the art. 
By this time I had completely scrapped being a millionaire either by marriage or by my own means.
Well. Boys would LITERALLY run away from me. That and I was a test subject for the longest while as we tried to figure out which medication would work best with my ADHD. So, my grades were that of a dying horse in the African desert. BUT I LEARNED HOW TO DRAW!
Maybe I could just become a modest virgin artist who lives in a make-shift house with a strange looking dog that may also be a pig. I would live off of Graham Crackers and Egg Nogg and everything would be AWESOME.
Who needed to be rich and successful anyway? Not me. 
And then it hit me. I had just wasted the last 7 years on the internet and art. 
Yes! Anything fancy like that must bring in the money right? And the best part is...I don't have to leave my house. EVER.
From all of my working experiences the people toke advantage of me and had the manners of Satan's anal cavity. Why the hell would I give them the honor of working of a badass of such magnitude?
And maybe...just maybe I could I study some Game Designing or Illustration on the side...so I can make my games/stories a reality ALL BY MYSELF.

Then people would look at me and say "See her? She made Final Fantasy 34 all by herself...In one day. She's a badass."
So, I started looking this stuff up. To familiarize myself with the field so I wouldn't be all derp when college came. Then I realized something. Animators and Game Designers sat cooped up in cubicals listening to someone push them around.

After that everything went haywire. 
I didn't know what the hell I wanted to be anymore. 
For a short time I wanted to be a Divorce Lawyer, so I can just listen to another Chris Brown and Rhianna story. Tell who gets who and then everyone goes home to their hoes. Sounded simple enough to me. 
But then I remembered the technical part of it. FILES. FILES. FILES. FILES. FILES.
The files would drive me ape-shit. Tables would be flipped. Moving on.
Maybe I could be a pregnancy doctor.
For some odd unexplained reason, ever since I was a preteen I was oddly obsessed with pregnancy. I probably knew more than someone whose actually been knocked up before.
Three things wrong with this idea. 
1. I very well may have to touch someones infected vagina. Not happening.

3. God forbid, something goes wrong and the chick starts giving birth on me. I'm telling you RIGHT NOW, I'm going to freak out and have a break down. Even if I somehow manage to mid-wife the screaming pink bundle of flesh that will one day become president. I'm probably going to sit in the corner traumatized and pass out right afterwards.

Oh. And while Im on that note. 
Has anyone ever noticed that right after the baby pops out...no matter how swollen, pink, screaming bloody murder and pin-headed it looks. The mother is always the first to say...


Uh. No. Not Really. At least wait till they clean up the uterus blood and vagina tears...And until its head isn't shaped like a yam because your vagina was chompin' down on it.

As I can achieve just about anything that requires physical movement. This would also be problematic. Im a good cook, honest. Im just terrified of the oven for some odd unexplained reason.

Almost every time I helped make/made cookies, whenever it came time to take them out of the oven. I would start panicking and hyperventilating and tripping out all over the kitchen. And I would always ask "CANT WE WAIT UNTIL THE OVEN COOLS DOWN TO TAKE IT OUT?!"  
It was always met with a "No! They'll burn!"
So far I've only toke the cookies out once. One other time I did manage to take out a cake, but I horribly scolded my hand because I used a random dishrag and not a mitten thing. Damnit. :c
If I ever had to made a flambé; Armageddon would come a few centuries early.

I also considered Tattoo Artist or Paintbrush Artist. But there is no way in hell I am tattooing someones vagina or butt-crack. The Paintbrush Artist idea is still floating but I have never touched one of those things for art purposes.
At an earlier point in my life I also wanted to be a model because they had to know nothing and just STRUT THAT ASS.

But then America's Next Top Model made sure that I do NOT want to be one.
And now here I stand not knowing what the hell I want to be anymore. 


Or. Maybe not.

P.S - Just to be fair since I didn't update in a while or on Halloween. I'll give you an embarrassing picture of me from Halloween.

Boy do I look dumb in those shades.


(No. I dont know why the text all has a ridiculous white background to it. Im working my best to try and remove it.)

Friday, October 22, 2010

How Pokemon CreepyBlack & LostSilver ruined my Childhood

I'm sure we've all heard of the popular anime and games called Pokemon. No one really cared for the anime, but it was the games that drew us in. Getting some monsters to beat the shit out of each other and evolve to grow stronger-- What else is needed for a good time?

Personally, I love Pokemon. It was my second anime as a kid. Right after Sailor Moon of course. It was always a nice little game to sit down and play. You didn't even have to know much about the franchise to pick it up.

But, any true Pokemon Fanatic would know that this game has a large amount of hacked games. These are basically games that hackers edited and made into their own unofficial games for money. Usually they were only bought for the lolz or because someone didn't know any better and thought it was a real version of the game.

But-- Lets cut to the chase. Pokemon CreepyBlack from what I've seen actually started out as a story. It was actually a story that someone wrote, claiming that they had found this alleged hacked copy of a Pokemon game. It was never proven to exist.
I found out about it by mistake, I was using StumbleUpon one night...about a month ago.

So basically...The story of CreepyBlack goes like this...

A dude goes in to rent a Pokemon game. What he got was a hacked version. So, he started the game. Now, he had a choice between 3 regular Pokemon; and a hacked creature called Ghost.

My eyes went large.
Oh Shit.

For those of you who don't know, I have a very STRONG Ghost-Phobia. But- I figured 'Hey, Its only a cute lil Pixel Ghost from Pokemon right? How bad could it be?". So I forced myself to grow a spine and BE A MAN (Although I am a girl)
So, The guy picks the Ghost character just for fun. This Pokemon only had one move. 'Curse'.
So, he went and tested it out.
Whenever he used curse-- Something strange would happen. After he used it...The screen would go white and then the Pokemon would be missing. But their Poke-ball was also missing? Their fainting cry was heard, so we are to assume they were killed.

Thats when I realized, Shit just got real.
I gulped and read on.
After you beat the trainer, and went back to the scene before you battled them. The trainer would also be Missing In Action. Upon leaving the Area and coming back, a grave-stone would now be in their place.

Once again, I started to freak out. But then I told myself Its only a Pokemon hack game and it shouldn't get much worse than that.
I was so wrong.

Upon battling more, our Storyteller found that other normal Pokemon would never attack Ghost. With every attempt it would just say 'X is too Scared to move'.
The only people who were spared from the wrath of this- this..THING was other Ghost-Type Pokemon and Trainers you had to later on (Such as your Rival).
No one else was spared, as long as you used Curse. Yo' Ass was cooked Son.

At this point I had started tearing up. I didn't even know why. I think It was because something I loved and something I was terrified of was coming together all at once.

At this point. I was trapped. There was no turning back. I had to keep reading, because If i didn't my overactive imagination would start spamming my head with questions. Like "What Happens Next?", "Who's planting all these Headstones?" "Is Ghost the Grudge's Husband?"
I had to know how it ended.
Thats just how I roll.

I reluctantly scrolled down.

We learn that the Storyteller decided to use Curse all through the game. This was fun right? Using the easy way out. The only thing that the Story-Teller found weird throughout the game was that...Ghost could not be removed from your possession. You see, Usually in a Pokemon game you could put extra Pokemon you had into a computer for storage. With Ghost, that was impossible. Even if you didn't choose him at the start of the game he would magically appear with your other Pokemon.

So, the Story-Teller beat the last four bosses of the game- The Elite Four. Then the screen went black. It says   "Many Years later...", Then we see an old man. He was in a tower, surrounded by tombstones. Apparently, this was us- grown old.

At this point, I kinda breathed a sigh of relief. Had we reached the climax? Would we just have a neutral bitter sweet ending? Would everything be explained?


(Me: No??!! D:)

Several things had changed. We had no other Pokemon now, Not even Ghost. Everyone was missing from the world. The tombstones were all that remained.

Thats when I knew something was wrong.
It wasn't gonna get any better.

So, our Story-Teller explained that the only thing to keep our company during this eerie adventure as we explored this empty world was a song called 'Lavender Town' this theme played in a small town that had a Pokemon GraveYard. This song is infamous for being cursed and just plain scaring the shit out of people.

Here is the Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNJJ-QkZ8cM

I don't know about you, but the very beginning and around 00:31 always made my skin crawl.

Anyway, Our Story-Teller ventures around the empty world looking for something...anything. Would they show this part of the game if it didn't have a point.

At this point I was at the end of my seat.

He found it.

A bush that is normally blocking the patch to a cave, was now missing. Which means we could return to our hometown. The starter town.

I let my guard down. Somewhere deep down in my soul, I hopped that our old-man character would now be able to return home! Maybe you would get there and find that it was a terrible dream!

And your unicorn mom would serve up fresh rainbow cookies and everything would be AWESOME.


So, the Old man we control follows the cave and goes home. Nothing strange here, cept that our 'Mom' character in the game is missing, obviously. Safe to assume she died wondering where the fuck her 10-year old jail-bait son went. But who cares about her.

What about-- OH SHIT.

OUT OF NO WHERE. The screen goes black again. We are shown a picture of a Pokemon, then another...another. We collect that these are the Pokemon that suffered the Wrath of Ghost...in the order that we killed them. Damn. We were more relentless that Sweeney Todd.

At this point I was crying like a baby.


Then they showed all the Trainers we killed along the way.

Then...You know its coming. Like a roller-coaster with an overly-obese 8 year old on it.

To make things much more worse, the Lavender Town music was now slowing in pace.
I clutched my Teddy bear and dared myself to scroll down even more.

Guess who's back.
And you wished it was Eminem.

Out of no where, Ghost challenged you to battle.
Since you had no Pokemon to cover your ass, you had to fight him yourself.

That Lavender Town theme was now just creepy deep-pitched beeps and moans now.
The option to flee the battle was useless. You couldn't escape. You was gonna get raped.

And since your just a flimsy cheap-ass human being. The only thing you could do was 'Struggle'. Which is a last resort move when you're Pokemon run out of Mana Points. Every time you struggled, Ghost would do nothing. Just kinda stare and wonder if that was a new dance or if you were having a seizure. He would only say "...".

That kinda stuck fear into my heart more than anything else.
Yeah, The fact that he was saying ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, made my eyes spring a new fountain of tears again.

When this ridiculous struggling dance was on the verge of killing your own damn self. The fucker finally used Curse on you.

The screen cut to black. No matter which buttons you pressed, nothing would happen. The Story-Teller restarted the game. It went to the Start Screen. The only option was 'New Game'. The file we had been using was GONE.

I was crying so much and I couldn't even collect why I was crying.
Then, I remembered. It was late at night. Maybe 11.

I clutched my bear and did the thing that I always do when I scare myself shitless with these kinds of things late at night. I pulled up all of my messengers and messaged some friends. Telling them I was TERRIFIED.

They didn't help at all.
They made it worse.

Among the friends being unaffected by the story, there were the ones that decided it would be a GREAT idea to tell me of yet ANOTHER unsettling Pokemon Hack game.

My friend SAVANNAH STAPLES, told me that this hack wasn't as scary. She was right, but it was JUST as unsettling.

Here we find, Pokemon Lost Silver. Its also a story, that many people swear to be a real hack somewhere out there.
To be honest, I found the story kinda cheesy. But it was the end and apparently the Moral of the game that put Lost Silver right up there with CreepyBlack.

Ok so, This Story-Teller starts out the same. A guy rents a new Pokemon game and finds that its a hack.
Not only that, but whoever had the game last-- Didn't delete their save file. So it was still there.

So, Just to be AWESOME. He looked onto the file the last player had. To be SUPER AWESOME CREEPY, the Player's name was '...'. Just to prevent confusion, were going to call him 'Gold'.

Thats when things just got silly. When our Story-Teller checked the stats, The last guy had been playing the game for...999 hours??? Not only that but, this dude had 999999 dollars. All of the badges and all the Pokemon? The hell?

I kinda thought...Maybe he was a fanatic gone nuts?

Anyway, then this guy checked the Pokemon he had. He had several Unowns. An Unown is a Pokemon that are shaped like letters. So theres 26 kinds of Unowns, plus a ! and a ?
Plus a last Pokemon named 'Hurry'. So our Story-Teller then goes and looks at the Unowns. The Unowns spell out the word 'Leave'. So basically his spectacular team is called LEAVE HURRY.

To be honest I kinda of chucked at this

So, apparently our character, Gold here is in a tower. In a large room with only a Pillar in the middle of the room. There was no way out. Any kind of music or sound for that matter was missing. He found out that the exit was behind the Pillar. The next room was dark, So he had to use the Pokemon 'Hurry' which was a Cydaquil to light up the room. The room was a deep red color.

So, we just kinda pranced off to the next room. It was dark, so we tried to use Hurry to light up the room again. Then we get the message "Hurry has fainted!". Which is ridiculous considering we didn't fight anything.
Our Story-Teller checked his Pokemon Party to find that Hurry was no completely missing. Usually when a Pokemon faints, he/she just remains in your team unconscious.

And now thee Unown say "HESDEAD".

For a minute, I sat back and wondered. This character were playing as surely MUST be shitting bricks by now. Or maybe he's too busy trying to pretend that it's all cool and that this is completely normal.

Poor Gold.

And then Randomly the room lit up, even though our source of light was...well...ya know...DEAD.
We were in a small cubical room. There was nothing to do. So our Story-Teller opened up Gold's profile. His number of badges had now jumped to 24. Which is clearly dividing by zero.

Oh yeah. He was now missing his arms now too.

Our character was now pale, including his clothes.
To make it more cliche, he's now missing his legs too. He's bleeding from the eyes too. As if you didn't see that coming.

The Unown now spell out "DYING". And we have a Legendary Pokemon...if Edward Scissorhands had hugged it. Its sliced in half. It was a Celebi.

And then just as randomly, Gold teleported to a different room. We were back in the first room with the Pillar, but everything was deep red. I scoffed at this.
So, we made Gold walk north. We passed some dudes and chicks but they don't respond when you press A. How rude! Oh- They looked kinda pale too. Maybe their sick?

So, we walk some more and we find our rival. We walk up to him and the sucker just SUCKS us into battle before we can do anything.

So, Gold sends out our malformed Celebi and our Rival sends out Sadchu (Okay. So it was basically a Sad Pikachu. But I'll call it Sadchu because I can).

Oh and the Sadchu was lvl 255. That badass.

So the two Pokemon duked it out and they both killed each other. Instead of seeing 'Celebi/Pikachu has fainted'. It said 'Celebi/Pikachu has died'. Typical.

Our Rival was so verbal that all he could say was "......."
Probably because his head was now missing.

Yeah, our Rival apparently decided to just chop his own head off or something. Ya know, for fun.
So we...uh...won? I guess, and then we returned to our normal screen. Now Gold is kinda transparent.

Oh. And now he lost his entire body.
Good going Gold.

This headless wonder now somehow had 40 badges.
Our creepy Unown now say "NOMORE"

We dont know how, but Johnny-No Legs somehow was now back at his house, in his room. So, we go downstairs.

Maybe Happy Unicorn mom would be there?


So Gold, realizing nothing is interactive just kinda...Prances? Outside. The door didn't stop him, so he just kinda walked out into a voice of black surrounding the house.

Floating house. Cool.

So we just walk out into the void of...whatever. Then we see someone else, its Gold's normal character the way he should look. Ya know...with his legs and whatnot.....Cool...?

So we talk to it and he says

Then poofed....The hell?

'??? used Nightmare'

The hell is going on? o_O

So you just poof to that random small cubical room again. Except for this time our character is nowhere to be seen. Even walking causes no sounds of walking into a wall like an idiot.

So, we checked the profile and now everything has now jumped in reverse and we have zero badges. What happened to them? Did he eat them?

The rest of the description about what happened is a bunch of awkward sentences that I don't understand. Something about a grave on a grave with a grave and grave grave grave?


Then we get an explanation about why everything was an acid trip.

Apparently, Gold was like one of those creepy mom's who are obsessed with their kids being perfect lil Barbie dolls. He wanted to be AWESOOOOOOOOOOMMEEEEEEE.
So he kept training like some sort of wind-up doll. Tried to out-run death. Failed.

Then Gold realized that no matter how badass you are, your ass is cooked once they select 'New Game'.

Moral? Avon face cream can only save you for so long.

Original Lost Silver Story: http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/071/386/original/creepypasta.png?1284287490
Original CreepyBlack Story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iYwMgG8dNs

Their both being made into real games by two separate groups of people wanting to rape your childhood.

Happy Halloween.

Last two pictures were edited with the help of Savannah Staples (www.Karkau.DeviantArt.com)